Tyler J. Pearce, also known as Mico, is a furry and a fursuit maker. Growing up, he faced several life challenges, including the death of his father at a young age and struggling with gender dysphoria. These experiences contributed to his ongoing mental health challenges, leading through into adulthood, which included depressive episodes and many periods of hospitalization.
Amid struggling to make friends and dealing with his mental health, he was eventually introduced to the furry fandom at a nearby event in his hometown, which he immediately fell in love with. Tyler grew comfortable within the fandom, creating several of his own characters, making a ton of new friends, and dabbling in fursuit making.
He got introduced to NordicFuzzCon—a popular furry convention in Sweden—where he attended, and afterwards became a volunteer as a charity member, creating artwork to generate money for several charities for animals.
This is also where he met his now-wife.
During this time, Tyler began to take fursuit making seriously, and founded his own fursuit company: Critter Creatures Suits, where he designs fursuits for other people, bringing their own vision to life, almost literally.
The furry fandom had a life-changing impact on Tyler, with him noting, "Had I not found the fandom, I would be in the dirt dead."
Tyler's battle and eventual perseverance led him to getting a semi-colon tattoo on his wrist - an authors use case when wishing to continue a sentence rather than ending it - mirroring Tyler's determination.
Tyler now works and lives happily married with his wife and their new cat, Zelda.
- A picture of Zelda